However, many people with old age comes disease of the joints which doctors call arthrosis. Osteoarthritis Most commonly affects people 45 years of age the elderly, in itself, very often, osteoarthritis of the knee. If you do not treat the arthritis, the cartilage disappears, the bones are exposed, and in that, he knows that it is impossible to carry out the functions of the knee joint.

The reasons that lead to the formation of osteoarthritis of the
The occurrence of osteoarthritis in the knee can lead to a number of factors. Among them, by the physicians both of the following:
A variety of mechanical damage. It is the break in the interference, but is especially dangerous damage to the menisci. Trauma is one of the factors that can trigger of osteoarthritis development in a very young age. The doctors say that there is a reason it is not is itself of osteoarthritis of the injury, and this injury the treatment of which is associated with the fixation of the limbs, in consequence, disorders of the microcirculation is the blood in the area of the joint, which leads to make the development of posttraumatic osteoarthritis. In the event of damage to the meniscus in their disposal of the medical statistics tell us that, in nine cases out of ten, it would have to be the rechargeable battery, it is not possible to avoid osteoarthritis;
The extra weight of it, the knee doesn't hurt, but it is a risk factor for injury to the menisci. Damage That is high risk, the process of recovery of injury to the meniscus, the long-term in most of the cases against leading to osteoarthritis. The doctors believe that it is the most severe form of osteoarthritis of the knee joint occur in humans, in addition to the way excessive weight gain, varicose to find.
The problem with the links. Quite often, in the case of people who, in good physical shape. These people also have higher mobility of the joints themselves so as to be flexible. Such people are easy to sit in the splits in a variety of different items, you can perform stretching exercises without a warm-up. In spite of this, these people have a very "loose" ligaments. The execution of those people, the exercises lead to the knee joint receives microtrauma, which further lead to osteoarthritis;
Take the common diseases such as as arthritis it is very easy in osteoarthritis degenerates. The fact that it is an inflammatory arthritis-it is a process that leads the formation of large amounts of fluid in the joint cavity, which in the end will lead not to the destruction of cartilage in osteoarthritis of the knee;
Changes in the metabolism of lead also to the development of arthritis, it is of particular importance to the conclusions of an exchange of calcium, In recent times, the theory, there is more to explaining the onset of osteoarthritis stress. Madcow After 40, many women accumulate emotional exhaustion that is the cause of the process disturbance of blood circulation, including in the lower extremities, which causes the suffering is in the knee joint.
The symptoms of the disease

In the case of arthrosis knee, most commonly in the following symptoms:
The pain in my knee. The main Feature of it is that the pain never appears suddenly. Usually, the person experiences a feeling of discomfort, in pain, for several months, even years. The greater the pain when you run fast, or walk. If the pain is in the knee of the strong, it probably is not arthritis in the pinched meniscus. The longer the disease occurs, the more powerful the pain. Especially the severe pain at the suffering of the stresses associated with prolonged walking, or heavy lifting. The pain subsided with rest, but as soon as there is physical exertion, and the pain is immediately present. In some cases, however, in patients with of the knee, there is an acute pain when they change the weather conditions, the pain-it feels like driving in the rest. The relief of the symptoms, it is recommended the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
The deformity of the knee. This is a problem to be honored in the later stages of the disease. Not to be confused deformity of the knees, with swelling, which may be at the beginning of the emerge of a disease, an Accumulation of excessive volumes of fluid in the knee joint. This is a phenomenon doctors call the synovitis, but in the end, you can go and synovitis in the Baker's cyst, which share in the formation of the seal at the back of the knee. Fortunately, there is a cyst-a Baker without an operation is a cure;
Ip. In contrast to the crunch in the joints of healthy people with the crunch in the later stages of osteoarthritis accompanied by severe pain. In addition to this, the crunch of osteoarthritis of the special dry. The reason for the crunch ties of the problem, or the excessive mobility of the joint itself;
Limitation of the knee joint. Due to the severe pain, the patient is free to bend in a straighten the leg. Typically, it is a limitation of the monitor the deformation of the joints, which, as is well visible from the outside. In the later stages of osteoarthritis, joints become totally immobile in the independent movement of patients becomes very challenging. Depending on the degree of severity of the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee in clinical practice, however, it is accepted that the intentions of of such a the extent of the disease:
- Osteoarthritis of the joint at the first stage. Thus, less Pain to be found in the implementation of the motions. At rest, the pain goes away. The cartilage at this stage of the affected by it already, but there is no visual deformation is visible. In the joint fluid may build up in the Baker format of the cyst;
- Osteoarthritis of a joint of the other of the knee. The cartilage tissue, because it affects the narrowing of the joint space. X-rays of the joint at this stage is to show that the bone is in the size of the increase. Patient has any movement is accompanied by severe pain, but resting pain-free. In the flexion extension of the feet is heard, characterized by arthritis, dry crunch. The bending of the straightening of The knee, there is a problem, as doctors, as people in fact, a deformation of the joint;
- Osteoarthritis of a joint of the third degree. The cartilage of the container is such that it is, in some places the bone was completely exposed. In addition, in the cavity of the joints occur in salt deposits, which are the doctors, who also called osteophytes. The patient a lot of pain that does not go away, nor even to the movement of the rest.
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the
The sum of the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee a physician may, during the examination of the patient examination. In spite of the fact that the diagnosis was accurate, it requires two mandatory research: diagnostic ultrasound in radiography. According to the laboratory tests of the blood, which can be set for the elimination of the diseases that have similar clinical picture, such as arthritis. Most of the doctor's informative treating both the radiography results, which allows to judge the degree of narrowing of the joint space is also an opportunity to see the osteophytes. At the same time, the ultrasound gives information about the thickness of the articular cartilage, the also gives an idea of how both attached to the condition of the tissue.
The treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

If you suspect osteoarthritis of the knee, you should consult a local therapist, if necessary, to the next, the surgeon or the orthopedist. The treatment of the disease requires a different treatment strategy, but it is the most efficient way, if there is a date of medicinal products for the treatment of osteoarthritis. In fact, doctors used several groups of drugs. To the following:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Chondroprotectors;
- The steroid hormones of the series;
- Drugs that improve of maritime studies and transport,
- Vitamins
Ozone therapy
This methodology provides for the effects of ozone (O3) at the knee affected by osteoarthritis. This technique can be carried out directly on the outside, as the operation of the joint in the operation of the syringe. This is a factor of geonet are no contra-indications, but at the same time, the effect of which is highly therapeutic. In such patients, with decreased pain, and reduces inflammation in the restoration of the marine environment and the traffic condition. It is believed that ozone therapy helps in the complex treatment with the use of chondroprotectors.
It is based on the technique of assuming that the way of the implementation of each of the exercises, the movement of the re-establishment of the blood in the knee joint, and in it begins the reconstruction of the cartilage in the elasticity of the ligaments. A set of exercises is selected for each patient individually by the doctor. The treatment combines a very good drug.
Physical therapy, physical therapy
Given the large number of medical practitioners in the treatment of knee joint arthrosis physical therapy is one of the primary, not secondary, methods of treatment. Physiotherapeutic procedures to remove the pain in the to restore most of the functionality of the joint, in addition to this, some of the methods in the context of physiotherapy to relieve pain in the to restore most of the functionality of the joint, in addition to this, some of the physiotherapy methods, which allow you to enter the medicinal product for the treatment of the disease. On the day, all of the physiotherapy treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint, it is broken down into the following categories:
- To reduce the pain;
- Acute inflammatory processes;
- Reduces the the flow of blood;
- Painkillers Physiotherapy

Because of this, the process is the most widely used medium-wave ultraviolet radiation (SF). During the procedure, the ultraviolet rays thus directed to a knee of a focus on, as long as, as long as it does not appear a slight redness of the skin. Therefore, it is considered that the evidence of the production of a substance that reduces sensitivity to pain. As a rule, the patients fixed set of 6-7 sessions of SF.
Magnetic therapy
In recent times, so is especially popular, it becomes magnetic. They believe that it is a technique that is used for arthrosis in the other, in the first instance. Patients, 10-25 procedures, magnetotherapy, each procedure takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Due to the influence of the magnetic field, restores the blood flow to the cartilage in the as a result, the recovery process begins.
Exercise in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
Physiotherapy arthritis treatment is very important. There is a lot of what is going on in the direction of, but it is most important that the results of both were compared to a set of exercises developed by Dr. Evdokimenko, in Lana Paley. Sorry, we didn't have any restrictions. You can not carry out exercises for the people.
- Critical at The time of the women's days,
- Patients with high intracranial in the blood pressure;
- In the body above a temperature of 37.5 hours 0C;
- The presence of The inguinal hernia;
- In the heart failure;
- They have acute diseases of the internal organs.
The the iz of the exercises consists of nine. Before you begin to day to day operation of the complex, it is necessary to consult with your health care provider. The practice of proclaiming that the proper execution of the program Evdokimenko – Paley, under the supervision of a doctor gives excellent results. The also do not forget that the implementation of these exercises, with the aid of a heating ointment.

Diet in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the
One of the reasons for arthrosis of the knee joint is a weight, which puts extra pressure on the joints. Therefore, the reduction in body weight is one of the most important tasks in the complex of prevention, in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Data from a number of studies show that a weight loss of 5 kilograms, has a large impact of the status on the improvement in the joints of the patient. Nutritionists believe that the diet of the patient must be given sufficient quantity of vitamins with minerals in it at the same time, they must have a minimum calorific value. In the case of arthrosis, in each case, would not be involved in the diuretic tea, which is used by both the love of the fans of the ride with the extra weight. Fact of the matter is that when it does happen, yes, rinse the car, and it is highly desirable, in the case of arthrosis of the joints. Nutrition should be a fraction, but for snacking it is necessary to make use of the vegetables in to the fruit. Therefore, it is considered that, in the morning, there is a need to start a bed-and-Breakfast, as otherwise the digestion process for a long period of time are not included in the it is quite probable error. Similarly, the influence of the late dinner which is not for smes to be later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. It is equally important to drink enough water (minimum 2 litres per day). Is important but also the quality of the food. In osteoarthritis, it is very important that such products, such as this:
- Soup, ragout in jelly, cooked on the bone. These products contain a large number of natural chondroprotectors in the collagen;
- The meat of the chicken, or the Khan, who is such a great source of protein, it is very important for a healthy metabolism;
- Fish, walnuts, almonds, in hazelnuts as a very important source of vitamin E;
- Whole grains in whole-grain breads is the best options of complex carbohydrates necessary for proper nutrition of the patient;
- Sunflower, linseed or olive oil, which is so important in the ingredient of the food, as both are sources of unsaturated fatty acids.
In the treatment of osteoarthritis it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that it is a cure for this disease it is not possible to present the in is, in fact, to maintain the particular ways of life, namely, the patient can lose the ability to move independently.